This is my first major match. What advice do you have for me to prepare?
Shoot club level matches if you can to be familiar with action shooting matches and safety rules.
Have your rifle zeroed. Be able to go all out physically for 180-240 seconds every 1-2 hours.
what should competitors just absolutely leave at home in regards to gear/firearms?
SERPA Holsters are prohibited as well as any firearms that are mechanically unsafe.
How can I best help the events run smoothly and be helpful to the MD and the ROs?
Be at your stage on time. Be ready to make ready when you’re in the hole or on deck. Help reset stages as needed.
If I have never attended a match before, can I participate?
Yes, but we recommend you try some type of local competition first.
What’s the average round count of a brutality match?
Totally depends on the particular match and stage designs. Round count estimates are emailed out about a month before the match.
How do I spin a spinner spintastically?
Will there be novice shooter classes at Brutality Events as there have been in the past?
If people volunteer to run them. Become an InRange patron, and follow the brutality channels on discord for information about classes and side events.
Will one be held in X location?
We announce events as they are scheduled and plans are made.
Does a heavy, hot, vision restrictive costume qualify for armored?
If the entire system weighs 16 pounds, and the head piece meets the requirements for a helmet sure. We do not recommend wearing vision restrictive masks for safety reasons.
Where and when?
Dates and locations of Brutality events can vary. Become an InRange patron for the earliest notice of information
Are there options to participate in any of the events for as a tourist who's a citizen of a country without an event and no firearms?
Many foreign competitors have attended in the past by coordinating with locals on the InRange discord to borrow guns/equipment.
Will there be a manual category?
Sometimes depending on the divisions offered and the focus of the event.
Is there a way to get better at some of the rarer things (kettlebells, spinners) without access to a space to actually shoot spinners?
For throwing kettlebells purchase a kettlebell and do kettlebell swings. For spinner targets without a spinner become capable of hitting an 8” and 10” target every shot you fire. Consistent single hits can rotate the spinner successfully.
Brutality matches are a registered trademark of InRange Productions, LLC.:
If you’d like to help coordinate a Brutality match near you, please contact us:
2g-ACM, however, is considered licensed under Creative Commons and you can find more information about the rules, etc, here: